
Hello! I’m Mia, an Education student at Homerton College. I originally applied to Emmanuel College, based on its beautiful outdoor space and resident ducks but was ‘pooled’ to Homerton. Ever since then I’ve sworn that there is magic in the pooling system that ensured I ended up where I was supposed to be. Not only does Homerton also have beautiful grounds and ducks of their own, but I can’t imagine anywhere else feeling as much like home. 

Every Cambridge college likes to claim that they are the friendliest, but I will defend Homerton’s right to that crown! There is always someone around to chat to whether it be a student or a member of staff – even the Principal is known to wander around college and speak to students he bumps in to. Homerton has a diverse student population, and a high proportion of state educated students which was really appealing to me, but more than that, as a modern college outside of the town centre, Homerton manages to escape the ‘Cambridge bubble’. Our local shops, cafes and streets are full of local Cambridge residents and sometimes, when I am feeling overwhelmed by the extravagance of Cambridge traditions it’s nice to feel in touch with reality again.

Perhaps if you are looking for dark academia vibes, Homerton might not be the college for you: Our porters don’t wear bowler hats, we can walk on the grass and most of the buildings here are more modern and practical than grand and beautiful. Despite that, Homerton is a big college both in student numbers and physical space. There is lots of grass, an apple orchard, football pitches, tennis courts, a gym, a dance studio, a drama theatre and so much more… We also have a 24-hour college library that is bright and airy and has a mixture of individual and group workspaces. A great thing about Homerton being a modern and spacious college is that it provides contrast to the libraries and areas in central Cambridge town – so if you are feeling the dark, traditional library vibe one day you can always cycle to the University Library and get your fix!

Homerton’s reputation usually starts and ends with it being the college that is far away. People you meet from other colleges probably have never been to Homerton, and lectures, nights out and society events often happen in the centre of town so a little bit of travelling comes in the package of being a Homertonian. However, Homerton is actually only a 15-minute cycle ride from town, so the distance is definitely exaggerated. But even so, the distance can provide a great benefit! Everyone at Homerton bonds closely together and coming back to college after a day of lectures in town really feels like coming home to rest. It also means that Homerton is quiet and avoids the hordes of tourists in the summer months – I’ve never seen a single tourist wandering round the grounds or peering through someone’s bedroom window!

Before I arrived on the first day I wanted to know what my room would be like! Unlike the spiralling staircases that are associated with Cambridge, Homerton has long corridors. Again, where Homerton lacks aesthetic they make up for with friendliest and practicality. Living on a long corridor meant I met so many people during my first week at college – and knowing that all the people in my year were in the same building made it super easy to go and knock on their door, stop for a chat as I was passing by or see a group of people hanging out and join them! At Homerton students can live on site for their whole degree, which means it’s really easy to meet people from other year groups. Being completely honest, the rooms are kind of small, and they have red carpet which is less than appealing to the eye. But I would take red carpet in return for the en-suite bathrooms and cosy underfloor heating any day!  

If I could apply to another college now I would probably apply to Newnham! The buildings and grounds at Newnham make me feel like I’m in a Charlotte Bronte novel and I’ve met so many people involved with student activism who happen to go to Newnham so I imagine it to have great vibes. But sadly, they don’t offer education as a subject at Newnham so I set out to make friends there so I could visit as much as possible instead!

Overall, I am so happy to be studying at Homerton college, I’ve made the most amazing friends during my time here and have memories I will hold close for the rest of my life. Homerton really feels like home, it is such a welcoming and relaxed place to live and complements the at times, stressful nature of a Cambridge degree!


Visit the Homerton College website for more details!